Resistance can be as simple as using certain terms:
"online video" instead of "YouTube video".
"online search" instead of "Google Search" (or "do a search" instead of "google it".)
"music playlist" instead of "Spotify playlist".
Do not give these company any free advertising by using their names.
Do not make them the default term for something.
@rasterweb we should start using Google to describe being swamped by useless information and advertising. Rebrand junk mail to be gmail.
@BenjaminKlein "I tried searching for something but I got Googled!"
("Googled" = overwhelmed with shitty AI suggestions, poor results, and too many ads.)
@BenjaminKlein @rasterweb
Similarly I propose changing the meaning of Trump to an all purpose word for anything negative.
I've got to cash out before my investments are completely trumped.
Skateboarding is different at 50. I fell & trumped my shoulder big time.
I'm pulling over to clean the windshield. There's trump all over it.
Sorry about the smell, I stepped in some trump earlier.
Trump off, asshole!
It's like Smurf but for anything terrible.